Wednesday 28 February 2007

A Nice Picture

I took this photograph during one late night study session. Popping out for a smoke, the moon seemed so powerful, so eloquent. It was up there, in all its glory, looking down upon us poor mortal souls with its pitiful radiance.
The photo actually was a mistake. I intended it to be without flash and wanted to capture the moon through the branches. I forgot to turn the flash off and this was the result. As usual, I will draw comparisons between the photo and our lives.
If you carefully look at the nude and bare branches of the tree in winter, it shows us what we are in the core, in spite of what colours and layers we put on ourselves. Each and every one of us can bear some sort of resemblance to these branches. From my perspective, the main branch is my life and all around lies darkness and other smaller twigs. The smaller twigs are the people around me. The thorns show the bad experiences I have had, in all aspects of life.....romance, relational, professional....all the bitter memories. The split in the main branch shows the choice I had to make in life about coming to the UK or staying back in India. As you can see, the lower branch has lots of associated twigs with it, many associations, many more branches in its wake and lots of more important choices to make. It definitely looks like the more interesting option to have chosen.
The branch above it is the one that I have actually chosen. It is bare, aloof and devoid of any associations. It doesn't have the charm and grace that the lower branch has. But what it does have is determination and grit to keep on moving higher and higher. It is nice the way the boundaries of the photo are because it doesn't show where the branch ends up. Who knows, maybe it just ends abruptly? Or maybe it continues on to higher places and achieves greater things. Next to this branch, you see a pretty thick branch which also happens to have a certain influence in the way my life (the branch) shapes up. This branch reflects the life of a certain individual I shall only refer to as Miss S.
Our lives were far apart but we were destined to meet just as the branches do at a point and then they continue along together, albeit with a distance between them. The distance could reflect the physical distance between us. But if you notice, both the branches are heading in the same direction, almost with the same destination in mind showing the emotional closeness that we share.
This is how I view the photo and draw parallels between it and my life. I am sure if you look at it, you can draw your own interpretations. Your turn to have a go....


Anonymous said...

read all the three posts. hmm, you are finding a parallel with your life in everything. know what? even I do. I guess everyone does it. whenever we are deeply perturbed by something, we keep thinking about it all the time and seeing similarities everywhere.

atrishekhar said...

nice really nice... i have never seen anyone describing a photo like this... ya a picture which consists of the whole life story of this individual... i am one of the small twigs in the lower branches.. but surely will be associated with the native plant...

keep it up...