Thursday 1 March 2007

A New Beginning!

How many times have we told ourselves the following..."This is a new beginning"? Quite a few times I guess. Well, me too. And today I find myself saying it yet again.
Indeed, today is a new beginning in my life. "Why?", you ask.....well. you don't want to know what my life has been like the last few days. Personal hygeine, academic quality, relationships, everything that concerns a 21 year old like me has suffered under a curse.......or is it a blessing?
Let us not dwell too much time on what has gone by. Instead, let us concentrate on what is going to come. No more afternoon mornings. Things of the past. Awake by 10, at work by half 10. Prioritise work, no more missing lectures. Meals at regular intervals. Sticking to the age old code which I have forgotten in recent times. In case you are wondering what code I am talking about, you should take a look at Bertie Wooster's code in PG Wodehouse books. Take a look at the brighter side of life and forget the past and all bad incidents.
I know I am not very fair in my blog. I tell you half the story but keep the really juicy details to myself. For now you are wondering, "What are the bad things that have happened?" My answer is that I just don't trust you enough to let you know yet. You need to give me some time. You know I am inexperienced at blogging.
Anyways, the thing is I intend to come back home in March for a couple of weeks and I am afraid my work is going to suffer quite hard. So, I intend to get as much of it done as soon as possible. I can't really find much to put here now, so will take leave quickly. The next post should be a bit more interesting.